Today I'll be going over a few of the abilities. After that I'll be talking about the various enemies and a few reasons why I choose the types that I did. I'll also talk about two of the bosses and their personal rooms. It was pointed out that a single player could go through this entire game themselves. Since all of the enemies follow the a specific set of rules for how they move and attack and anyone can control them.
A few things about attacking before we got to that.
-Accuracy is the players' chance to hit something. If something gives a player +1 Accuracy they add 1 to the result of dice rolls.
-Damage is the amount of damage that a character deals on physical attacks. Weapons modify the damage dealt on certain rolls.
Abilities - Here are 6 of the abilities that I have out of the 23 so far. Some abilities have a second rank to them which can only be accessed by forgoing the acquisition of another ability.
Second Chances
- If an attack you make misses you may re-roll the attack once.
Bleeding Wounds
- At the end of your turn any enemies you dealt damage to take 1 damage.
Tough Skin
- The first time each turn you would take damage reduce that damage by 1.
Too Stubborn to Die
- If you would die, instead restore your Hero to full health, then lose this Ability. You may not receive an Ability to replace this one.
- Gain +1 Accuracy on all attacks against Bosses.
Cutting Winds
- (Magic) You may attack all units in a line covering 4 spaces from your Hero. This attack can hit allies and cannot pass through walls.
Accuracy - 1/2: Miss, 3/5: 2 Damage, 6: 4 Damage
Mobs - The list of Mobs and a short description of their role in opposition to the player.
Goblin (3), Goblin Archer (2), Goblin Mage (2)
-Goblins are the go to fodder units, but are also very versatile. They are standard enemies in most games and I like them. Using them here means that one enemy can serve multiple roles so art for them becomes easier. One design, wearing different gear fills out a total of 7 enemies in the Mob deck.
Orc (2), Bugbear (2)
-Another pair of enemies that show up in many games, I view orcs and bugbears as the goblins' burly brothers. Their stats will be much heavier on health and damage, though their speed might end up being a bit lower than that of the goblins.
Bat Swarm (2), Large Bat (1), Rat Swarm (2), Large Rat (1), Large Spider (1), Giant Spider (1)
-Beasts. Very useful in a dungeon like the one I'm building. Since it's mostly in a cave beasts give a nice range of powers to use. Bats get high speed, Rats get high accuracy, and Spiders will get some special movement and damage over time abilities. Swarm types will have weak attacks, but they will also be able to make multiple attacks in a turn. Swarms will also be able to ignore unit collision, moving through allied and opposing units.
Shambling Skeleton (2), Armored Skeleton (2)
-The undead get bonuses to defense. Incoming damage is reduced, as is their speed. There is a chance that this enemy will drop loot.
Shadow (1)
-Shadows ignore walls and units when moving. They are also fast, moving at high speeds and attacking multiple times in a turn. They and one other Mob are the ones to fear the most. There is a chance that this enemy will drop loot.
Falling Hand (1)
-The Falling Hands are giant hands that are extremely difficult to kill. On a roll of 6 while attacking the Hand will transport the player to another room. Still not sure how that's going to be determined. There is a chance that this enemy will drop loot.
Bosses - The big guys. After the players have explored the full dungeon that they set out to navigate (small, medium, large) the final room that they enter is the boss room.
Blue Troll
-The Blue Troll has extremely high health. On top of that he regenerates health each turn. Fighting him at higher levels means he hits like a truck... or a boulder. Boulder is more accurate since there are no trucks in this game. There might be wagons at some point, but not right now.
-Young cousin of the Dragon the Drake is a massive lizard. He has the family trait of breathing fire and can also make large sweeping attacks against units in front of him. The Drake will probably be the hardest Boss to kill out of the six.
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