Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The end of the School Year

Portfolio night went well. There were not nearly as many industry people there as I had been expecting, but I have managed to get two offers for temporary positions due the work that I showed. Since portfolio night I have been working to get the two video game projects that I have been working on complete and ready for a presentation tomorrow.

BadDrop, the fourth semester project, is officially at a beta state and is actually really fun to play. After having spent almost a year on the game and going through the engine change from Unreal to Unity I'm glad that we have a good final piece. The game was originally my design and I served as the product owner during its production.

The other student project, the second semester's Caesium, is almost at a beta state as well, and can even be ported to the Android tablet. I served as the Art and Animation lead for that production.

I'll post a link below which will direct you to my other blog, which specifically deals with the projects that I've been working on at MATC.

I've spent some of the morning uploading some of my videos to and will be adding them to my videos page in a little while.

Also, this Friday I graduate with my two Associate Degrees in Animation and in Computer Simulation and Design.

Click here for my student blog.

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